Saturday, September 12, 2009

Value of Work

Is 40 hours your value?
Does 80 hours double your value?

Your value is the value you bring to the customer.

What if you focused on the value to the customer? What if the value to the customer remained the same while greater efficiency reduces your week to 20 hours, would your value be halved?

Lean Six Sigma is designed to define what the customer values and leads to removal of steps that do not achieve this value. As steps are removed, would we still fill the time to show our value in amount of time? Why can't we show our boss the metric that the customer values? Why can't we leave at noon every day?

The manufacturing system can show how many widgets a person produced. For the cubicle worker are hours worked equivalent to the number of widgets? Are we working to gain a raise based on the number of hours worked and not the value to the customer?

Interested in feedback (corrective or otherwise) -

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